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Educational Guide

Electronic Component Shortages Aren’t Going Anywhere – What’s Your Plan?

Shortages continue to be one of the foremost concerns for most organizations in both the electronics and electronic component manufacturing sectors. These periodic disruptions in the supply chain create significant challenges for OEMs and EMSs. It’s likely that your team will need to adapt your methods, processes, and sourcing workflows in order to anticipate future disruptions.

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Shortages: How did we get here?

Because of the under-investment and disruptions over the past 4 years, component shortages have gone all the way upstream to the factory equipment.

Governments and companies may be investing billions to build new manufacturing capacity, but the machines they need to make electronic components/ semi-conductors in those factories are facing supply chain challenges & component shortages as well.

How Do You Prepare for the Next Electronic Component Shortage?

Overall, relief from electronic component shortages seems to be inching further towards resolution. This is a huge relief.

Still, there are ways you can and should prepare for the next shortage since component shortages aren’t going anywhere.

A Little More About
Part Analytics

We’re here to make supply management for direct materials less painful for electronics suppliers & manufacturers.

We are paving the way toward a future with simple, effective, and straightforward collaboration between electronic equipment manufacturers and suppliers. In that pursuit, we’re creating a comprehensive & standardized source of information for supply management.

We draw on deep expertise in sourcing and product design to help electronics equipment and component manufacturers find available parts, manage costs, and limit overall risk to their supply chain with intuitive, easy-to-use software tools.

Automate direct materials sourcing, procurement & PLM processes with AI-powered software that will find available parts, monitor market changes, and provide product cost, risk, spend & supply insights for everyone on your team.